After yesterday’s fun and games with the whole Skew Bridge Liveable Streets thing we thought it would be fun to find out which other Labour councillors live in Bow, E3.
For whatever reason Cllr. Val Whitehead (Labour, A Very Secret Ward) seemed determined to not let anyone know that she lived in… well, you know. There.
That nice place. Near that park. With very low traffic volumes. Enough said. (This is why we have used a red… you know what as our featured image. Clever, huh!)
Trouble is Moley knew for a fact that four other Labour councillors lived in the same area. You know, the area of E3 we dare not mention.
Odd thing is that when Mole double checked he found that like Cllr. Whitehead these councillors are also not too keen on living in this particular place.
The four are Cllr. Asma Begum (Labour, A Very Secret Ward) and her partner Cllr. Tarik Khan (Labour, Not A Secret Ward) and Cllr. Rachel Blake (Labour, A Very Secret Ward) and her partner Cllr. Marc Francis (Labour, A Very Secret Ward) .
So we asked on Twitter twice.
We emailed them all asking why the Register of Interests on the all had ‘Not shown on web site’ in the box which would indicate where they lived.
It is perfectly legal for any councillor to ask for their home address to not be shown on the LBTH web site, as long as there is a good reason not to we assume.
But isn’t it rather odd that five Labour councillors, all of whom live in the lovely area of, er, rhymes with snow, refuse to admit they live there?
We checked all the other councillors to see how many of them also refuse to disclose properties they have an interest in.
Guess what? There are quite a few. Of which more later.
Mole has also asked the Monitoring Officer at LBTH when it would be convenient for him to burrow under Poplar High Street to check the hard copies of said councillor’s declarations. It’s one of those pesky democratic right things. You have them too.
We have not published the addresses of the councillors mentioned here just to play nice. And to be honest the addresses are easy to find when you know where to look.
So why the secrecy? Maybe it’s a couples thing.
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