Parking petitions – statement from Tower Hamlets council

Tower Hamlets council has provided EEE with an official statement regarding the parking petitions and our initial story. 

A spokesperson for Tower Hamlets Council said:

“Cllr [Asma] Begum had no involvement in any petitions on this matter.

“We are aware that there are two petitions and that a note on the petition that does encourage people to also sign the council website petition.

“The council’s online portal is the preferred way to receive petitions as it provides the best method to validate the responses and make sure qualifying details such as the addresses are correct.

However, we have previously combined petitions from different sites and we are keen to do this provided we can make those validation checks.

On this occasion, we will try to get in touch with the organiser of the petition to achieve this and we are also keen for him to get in touch with our Democratic Services.”

EEE Comment

We stand by our original story.

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