The responsive to the previous guest post by Mo. Rakib was so amazingly positive that we thought he should have another one. He certainly struck a chord with the first one.
Go Mo!
It is clear that Tower Hamlets Labour Party is broken and, worse still, it is making a disgrace of itself. Now, only a small handful of Labour councillors can still be relied on to be competent and to keep the trust of the public.
Over the next few months I intend to identify every last Labour councillor that needs to be removed, for the sake of real progress and our very survival as a community.
TH Labour has all but three of the 40+ seats in the current council chamber and it has the Mayoralty too.
The last few years and the long months of lockdown should give everyone in Tower Hamlets some indication of the motives and loyalties of TH Labour.
An undeserved majority
TH Labour will do well to note that their undeserved majority was due to a then public conflation and association with then leader of UK Labour, Jeremy Corbyn. It is clear (by vote share and election results of 2017 & 2018) that a majority of those who voted liked Mr Corbyn and his brand of Labour.
Unfortunately for the locals it has also become clear since the 2018 Council elections that the vast majority of TH Labour councillors must not have been that big on Mr. Corbyn’s democratic socialism.
Were locals wrong to place such immense trust in a single local party? Or did TH Labour allow for public perceptions and undeserved conflations to go unchallenged, to ultimately benefit on election night 2018?
Locals cannot be blamed for the actions of their elected officials, but there can now be no denying that those we entrusted with majority power (for whatever reason) have since run riot with that power and are not acting in the manner that one would assume a Labour administration would.
Residents need to know that TH Labour is nothing to do with Westminster Labour and even less to do with Democratic Socialism.
Sowing the seeds to socially cleanse the working class
That conflation is clearly an error and a dangerous one that is killing our borough.
TH Labour is on course to sow the seeds that will socially cleanse working class residents from Tower Hamlets. That much IS clear and no matter how much residents of all backgrounds point this out TH Labour officials give the same response: Either total silence or something along the lines of “Be quiet. We know better for you.”
When a resident sees the Labour rose on a ballot paper, they may vote for that candidate (whoever it happens to be) because they understandably think that person shares the same values that are historically synonymous with the UK Labour Party.
This is a fundamental mistake.
Survival of our communities at stake
Many of us have made this mistake in the past, but we cannot afford to make it again. Our very survival, the survival of our communities, the rich cultural tapestry, our shared affinity and history, it is all at stake and the reason we are threatened, would you believe, Tower Hamlets Labour party and their undeserved monopoly over the working class vote.
I have written before that the policies of national political parties have little relevance to what our communities need. We need to reject this and seek trustworthy residents who know their communities and to represent their communities in a selfless manner.
If we continue to allow TH Labour to control our borough, we will get the same incompetent shambles that we have been suffering with for years. It is one that has kept Tower Hamlets disadvantaged and will keep our borough forever disadvantaged.
A neighbour recently showed me a survey he had been sent by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH). It was yet another weighted and leading survey. A sham consultation giving paths to the same predetermined destination: Cuts.
LBTH is choosing to make cuts to social care, to make savings, but managed to find the money to give Councillors an 11.8% pay rise and even disguised it as ‘Special Responsibility Allowances’.
We need to do away with Westminster parties in our borough and build an active, competent, reliable and trustworthy coalition of local independents – selected and elected by locals – to be truly representative of the views of ourselves and beholden to none but the electorate.. so definitely nothing like TH Labour.
Local talent needed
We need to seek local talent that is not beholden to Westminster or to party politics.
We need independents who actually know and are from their wards. People who are trustworthy, willing and capable.
As a minimum, we need to have at least one independent councillor for each of the 20 wards.
No one party can ever be allowed to have an overall majority and run riot ever again.
We also need these trusted independents to be able to form a voting block when necessary, to prevent any nonsense and to vote down any budget until manifesto pledges and any planned schemes are clarified.
Checks and balances
At the very least, a single check and balance candidate from each ward is achievable before the next election. That should be the collective aim of all in this borough who are justifiably dissatisfied with TH Labour and who can see what is happening to our borough, under the current imposition hit squad.
We must pull together to unite and organise to end the monopoly that Tower Hamlets Labour have and end the support they get automatically because of conflations with Westminster and their historical representation of the working classes in the past.
Westminster politics should have very little to do with local level administration.
We’ve tried it with a local party. We’ve tried it with a mainstream party. We’ve tried an Independent mayor and a mainstream mayor.
It’s all failed.
What we need is real representatives, independent, capable, trusted and loyal to THEIR communities.
20 trusted men and women please!
20 trusted and capable locals to stand independently, while agreeing to a set of principles and agreeing to be that check and balance, while carrying out the regular duties of elected councillors.
20 candidates selected and elected by their wards.
People are united in their anger against the council. We can either moan about it and let it roll over us, or we can have something to do about it.
It is time to turn that anger into something positive, for a lasting and beneficial change to our borough.
Funding priorities, a review of expenses and local democracy, investing in our communities and young people and building for the future with our community in mind.
We need to be able to put our trust in local people whose loyalty is to the established communities and who place the existing community’s needs above all else.
EEE Comment
What Mo. said.
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You are on point with that we also need people that will ask the right questions and ask were is all the money going
Don’t worry Fred, have been on this for some time but for some odd reason LBTH is being very tight lipped! Mark
Wonderful if Mo is ok I would like to send this to Keir Starmer. Unless someone has already done that. I guess our MPs too. Although that seems pointless.
Send it to Keir by all means, don’t think it is worth sending to our MPs, waste of two stamps. Mark
How do we contact Mo? Who is organising this campaign?
Email and I can forward email, we haven’t got round to organising proper emails addresses yet. Or even a name.