This is a basic summary of Covid-19 data for Tower Hamlets which is taken directly from the Tower Hamlets Council Covid-19 data page here.
Our comments in italics.
There have been 185 Covid-19 deaths in the borough since September 2020.
Cases | Deaths | Incidents |
924 | 50 | 284.5 per 100,000* |
21 – 26 January | 8 – 15 January 2021 | 21 – 26 January |
The incidence rate remains high but is falling and is now lower than the London average which is 355 per 100,000.
- Case rates are decreasing across most age groups but are highest amongst the 40-49, 50-59 year and 80 plus age groups.
- Tower Hamlets states that ‘We continue to see a strong association of cases with social housing residents’.
Note: we have no idea how this data is obtained but will find out.
Test and Trace
- Some indication that borough testing rates are falling faster than that of London overall.
Note: we have no idea if this is good or bad. - Positive rates remain high but are also decreasing.
- Council states that 90 per cent of cases are reached by NHS Test and Trace, and 92 per cent of close contacts and that this is much higher than previous weeks and is now comparable to that of London.
Note: Does this mean it has been lower? If so by how much and why?
- Vaccine data is still emerging.
Note: This data should be treated as provisional. - Between 16,000 to 19,000 residents have now had their first dose of vaccine but initial data is showing lower rates of vaccination for those in BAME groups aged 80 plus compared to those aged 80 plus and white. Note: Lower vaccination rates among those in ethnic minority groups is potentially very bad news indeed because the ethnic groups in the borough are quite sizeable as we all know.
Personal responsibility
It is only by individuals adhering to the rules will, in conjunction with the vaccine, win this battle against coronavirus.

These two gentleman decided that the rules did not apply to them.
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As community journalists we do exactly what it says on our tin – we work for the community.
In Tower Hamlets, which covers most of London’s East End, that means we spend a lot of time investigating allegations of political corruption.
It is an unfortunate fact that the poorest local authority in the country is still beset by the highest levels of corruption.
As Love Wapping we were instrumental in exposing the electoral corruption of Mayor Lutfur Rahman.