The farce that was Liveable Streets is no longer resting, it is dead. Mayor Biggs has officially admitted that he is removing all the air from the tyres of the cycling zealots as there will be no further Liveable Streets projects. Existing projects will be finished but with consideration for residents criticisms.
No further Liveable Streets projects
This announcement comes as a direct result of Tower Hamlets Labour being slammed in the Weavers ward by-election and the consequent ‘pausing’ of Liveable Streets.
In a media release issued late today Friday 10th September 2021 the Council stated that ‘There will not be any further projects starting under the Liveable Streets banner. Future traffic schemes will be redesigned taking in the lessons learnt.’
“We continue to support the principles behind Liveable Streets of better, safer, calmer streets, with a reduction of rat-run traffic in residential areas, fewer unnecessary journeys made by car and a focus to improve the local environment and people’s health with better air quality, ” said John Biggs, Mayor of Tower Hamlets.
“But we need to take some time to reflect on the impact the schemes have had on some local residents making essential car journeys, which is why we’ve paused the programme to see what changes are needed.”
Brick Lane road closures to stop
The Brick Lane road closures will also stop completely in October.
The Bethnal Green review will look at road closures to the west of and including Warner Place and Squirries Street.
In Bow more impact studies will be done after comments from Transport for London about the impact on local bus services. This will mean elements of the scheme will need to be delayed and possibly redesigned.

Liveable Streets not solving congestion problems
“We’re hearing from residents that in some cases, the Liveable Streets programme is not solving problems of congestion as people are still making local journeys by car, traffic is just being pushed onto other roads and journey times are increasing,” said Cllr Kahar Chowdhury, Cabinet Member for Highways and Public Realm.
The denial of reality still has a firm hold of the Town Hall however as the last line of the media release shows.
“What really sets Liveable Streets apart from most LTNs is the extent to which the Council has consulted with the community before designing the best scheme for that area. All schemes have been created after widespread engagement, collaboration, consultation, and co-design and with local communities.”
In other news Bambi lives in Wapping Woods, the Titanic has just sailed up the Thames to Shadwell and the Tower of London made of rice crispies.
EEE Comment
But seriously folks.
Liveable Streets is no more. It is a dead parrot. It is not just stunned. It is a deceased Liveable Streets scheme.
It will not be missed although the manner in which it was botched from day one with faulty consultations, borough residents views ignored in favour of the cycling lobby’s propaganda onslaught aided and abetted by Tower Hamlets Labour councillors will not be forgotten at the elections in May 2022.
The many other groups of residents fighting the imposition of Low Traffic Networks on their communities across London and the UK should take heart from this victory of ordinary Tower Hamlets residents standing up and speaking out.
Maybe we should do it more often?
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As community journalists we do exactly what it says on our tin – we work for the community.
In Tower Hamlets, which covers most of London’s East End, that means we spend a lot of time investigating allegations of political corruption.
It is an unfortunate fact that the poorest local authority in the country is still beset by the highest levels of corruption.
As Love Wapping we were instrumental in exposing the electoral corruption of Mayor Lutfur Rahman.
I disagree with you. I have a young child, I walk or cycle him to nursery every day, we have to navigate busy roads in Bow, with cars with no respect for speed limits or zebra crossings, they are a trap for pollution, particularly skew bridge. My child was premature so he has weak lungs, and this decision daily affects his health and children like him. But not just children with health limitations, this scheme would have been life enhancing not just for my family, but for all families that travel to Victoria Park through Bow. I also feel that the people who have shouted the loudest are the objectors, not the supporters of the scheme. We weren’t consulted on the cancellation of it, even though the majority of us voted for it. Where’s the fairness in that? I support making exceptions for the elderly, for carers, for people that truly need the access, but the majority of us who live here are quite capable of walking and cycling. And/or planning a bit of extra time into our journeys if they need to be by car. The argument that it silos more traffic towards estates, I disagree with. Once the changes have been made and registered in sat navs etc, it will prevent Bow being used as a cut through and encourage people to walk or cycle, which is healthier for the majority. Pointing fingers at councillors (whoever they are and wherever they live) to me seems a not only a wild goose chase to divert attention, but also irrelevant, when they’re pushing forward ideas that the majority of people living here support. I’d be very interested in an age breakdown of the vote, whoever is voting against it does not have the future health of the borough’s children in mind.
This comment would have much more validity if it was not anonymous. Unfortunately like many proponents of LTNs / Liveable Streets this unknown person is quite content to complain but does not have the courage to identify themselves.
Make of that what you will.
Mark Baynes