Tower Hamlets bottom of list rating UK councils climate action plans.
Month: January 2022
Save Brick Lane Campaign Granted Judicial Review
Save Brick Lane campaigners have won a key legal victory in their campaign to stop the…
Tower Hamlets Council Property Transactions Puzzle – Data
What on earth is going on with these datasets? Why are they so different?
Tower Hamlets Council Property Transactions Puzzle – Update
The bells Esmerelda, what’s with the bells? There are so many weird things in this story…
Lutfur’s Aspire Party Rejects Diversity With 100% Bangladeshi Candidate List
There is no place in the East End for a political party that rejects diversity.
Winnie-The-Pooh Honey Pot Place E1 Is Born!
Desperate to win a few more votes? Get some buildings renamed, it's easy!
Aspire Party promises ‘innovative approach’ to fundraising
The Aspire Party campaign literature and website for the 2022 elections are just dross.
Buried St. George’s Pool Reports Uncovered
Amanda Day of the Turks Head Charity has uncovered years of buried council reports about St.…
Lutfur’s All Star Election Candidates Announced
Lutfur Rahman's Aspire Party candidates have been named.
Hackney’s Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: Success or Failure?
Hackney Together People's Town Hall Meeting outside Hackney Town Hall on Weds 26 Jan 6pm.
Tower Hamlets Council reports itself to Information Commissioner
Council officers have reported the Council to the Information Commissioner for a data breach.
Hackney Together People’s Town Hall Meeting 26th January
The people of Hackney Together are getting themselves organised holding a People's Town Hall meeting on…
End Of An Era As Chrisp Street Market Shops Start to Close
Chrisp Street market shop closures will begin at the end of January when the Co-op shuts…
Why Is The Tower Hamlets Council Web Site Not Working?
The Tower Hamlets Council web site has been offline for at least 24 hours.
Need pizza? Need property? AP1 is your friend
TL; DR Tower Hamlets Council has still not provided a credible explanation as to why the…
Only Tower Hamlets Residents Can Fix This
Whatever is going on in Tower Hamlets town hall iwill not be explained by any borough…
More Hidden Council Property Spending Exposed
The Enquirer has discovered more hidden payments for properties in payment card data.