One indication of why Tower Hamlets local housing vehicle never delivered any local housing has emerged.
Many thanks to Cllr Puru Miah (Independent, Mile End) for his phone call this morning to tell Moley a very simple but very important fact.
Angela Court was not designed as social housing. As such it is not fit for its intended purpose.
One of the biggest problems is that Angela Court was designed to have a concierge at the entrance. But of course there is no concierge. So access to the block is problematic.
And because of this there is no safe place for parcels to be left, but couriers leave them anyway so they get nicked.

Another problem is that the lifts were not designed for heavy duty 24×7 use and so are more prone to breakdowns.
There are numerous other issues.
Worst thing is that according to Puru this is not the only social housing block which has not been designed as a social housing block in use in the borough.
So this might be one explanation why Angela Court was never leased by Tower Hamlets Council to its own local housing vehicle company.
It also raises the question of how many social housing blocks were never designed as social housing?