Kalam Mahmud Abu Taher Choudhury (aka KM Abutah Chowdhury aka KM Abu Taher Choudhury aka Kalam Choudhury) is the Leader of Lutfur Rahman’s Aspire Party and, according to international think tank Voice for Global Bangladeshis(V4GB) ‘is a very well-known personality amongst the Bangladeshi Community in the UK.’
Voice for Global Bangladeshis (V4GB) can also boast having another of Lutfur Rahman’s team Ohid Ahmed as it’s Director General.
Several of V4GB’s directors are Aspire Party members and is such an interesting organisation that Moley has devoted a story to it which you can find here.

‘The leader of all ethnic groups’
But back to this story.
Moley has been sent the text of a social media post written by KM Abutah Chowdhury. We have not edited or corrected the text.
Here is the first line:
There is no alternative to Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets: he is the leader of all ethnic groups
- KM Abutah Chowdhury
Er… what? Has anyone told the Somali community about this? What about the West Indian community?
This sweeping claim by KM Abutah Chowdhury gives an indication of what is to come but you need to read it for yourself as it seems that the author relies on a very different version of recent political history in Tower Hamlets than most.
Over to you KM Abutah Chowdhury!
“There is no alternative to Lutfur Rahman in Tower Hamlets: he is the leader of all ethnic groups – KM Abutah Chowdhury
Lutfur Rahman is a name. He is a former Labor leader at Tower Hamlets and the first elected executive mayor in Britain from the Bengali, Asian and black communities.
Lutfur Rahman’s reign was a golden chapter. All the nations of borough benefited from his leadership. He built 5,590 social housing houses. He left 3,000 houses in the pipeline. Robin Hood Garden, Ocean Estate. The central government paid a 64 million bonus for building more homes. He rebuilt the kitchens and bathrooms of 26,000 homes owned by the council at a cost of £18 million.
He opened the Poplar Bath and Swimming Pool, which had been closed for over 30 years. The annual rent for the Tower Hamlets Council office was £16 million. There was no cemetery. We have been claiming this for a long time. Neither Labor nor the Liberal Party has been able to implement this demand. As a result, the burial of a dead person can be completed under 2,000 pounds. However, the burial of a dead person in the Garden of Peace requires four and a half thousand pounds.
Lutfur Rahman invested £360 million in education. He rebuilt Bow and St. Paul’s Secondary Schools. Mayors launched a £1,500 university grant for university students. Arranged free school meals for.
He allocated funds for evening supplementary classes. He also allocated £1 million for Bangla School, Community Language Service and Early GCSE. He got the opportunity to read and write in the famous university.
He has worked tirelessly to save young people from crime. He has allocated £10 million for youth services. 47 youth centers have been set up. It is playing a significant role in the development of the community and the welfare of the youth.
He froze council tax for five years as mayor and two years as leader. At present, council tax has been increased by 29%.
Tower Hamlets is the only country in the country to launch a free home care service for the elderly. At present, every elderly person has to pay £500 a month. He started 40 launch [sic] clubs for the elderly.
He increased the grant to the community organization, which the community deserved. He established equality and justice in the distribution of grants. A white people’s organization would take £1 million a year from the council. He cut them £50,000 and distributed it to other organizations.
This is the first time in the history of Britain that a Faith Grant has been launched to provide necessary financial support to mosques, churches, temples and synagogues.
He provided employment and training to alleviate unemployment. He developed all the parks in borough including Victoria Park and Altab Ali Park. He appointed an additional 55 police officers to crack down on crime.
Lutfur Rahman formed the Fair Commission. He played a pivotal role in eliminating inequalities in the various bodies of the Council. He developed the History Museum and Library.
Those who could not defeat him in the election formed an alliance and took refuge in the election tribunal and ousted one person in the electoral court with some false and baseless allegations.
Then in the 2015 election Mr. John Biggs was elected mayor. He came to power and stopped all front line services one by one. He closed many roads. He dismissed the police. Bangla School, Youth Club, Lunch Club, Free Home Care Service, EMA Grants and university grants stopped. At present housing problems are becoming more and more evident. Crime has increased. Drug dealing has increased. Council tax has increased. Public life has become miserable.
Scotland Yard, Met Police and City Police have been investigating allegations of fraud against Lutfur Rahman for several years, but have found no evidence of fraud. Police have spent £3.5 million on the investigation. Spending 1 million did not find any irregularities.
Lutfur is completely innocent and the verdict of the Election Tribunal is unacceptable and biased as there is no evidence of fraud in the police investigation.
The reasons why Lutfur Rahman was disqualified were baseless.
Labor candidate John Biggs has failed to run the council. Liberal candidate Rabina Khan has twice lost the mayoral election. This time she has no chance of passing. She can only lose a few votes. Only Lutfur Rahman can. He is an efficient, experienced and popular mayor. There is no alternative to Lutfur and Aspire in Tower Hamlets. I think he is the only credible mayoral candidate.
If Lutfur is elected, the golden days will come again. The suffering of the people will be alleviated. Tower Hamlets will be improved.”
Umm… that’s it.
So there you have it. Rahman gets elected, golden days return, the people’s suffering will be cured, the borough will be improved. Simples!
Enquirer Comment
‘…dictators use propaganda and censorship as twin tools – the former to promote the official vision, the latter to eradicate the rest.’
, Antoon De Baets, 2008
All very amusing. In reality very worrying as KM Abutah Chowdhury seems to reject the rule of law and tries to censor history.
KM Abutah Chowdhury says that ‘Lutfur is completely innocent and the verdict of the Election Tribunal is unacceptable and biased as there is no evidence of fraud in the police investigation’.
‘The verdict of the Election Tribunal is unacceptable’?
Nah. Sorry but that is not how democracy works. The verdict handed down by Justice Mawrey at the end of the electoral petition may not be to your liking but it is a judgement under the law of the land and everyone has to abide by it.
Some might argue that Moley is making a mountain out of a mole hill (yes, we know…) but this is super important.
The reason it is super important is that a recurring theme of the Lutfur Rahman and Aspire Party campaigning is that Lutfur Rahman is innocent.
Well he ain’t.
In 2015 he was found guilty on numerous counts of political corruption, kicked out of office and barred from standing for office for five years.
That this was not a criminal conviction is immaterial. He was found guilty and the evidence heard was required to be of the same level as in a criminal court.
Trying to pretend that Lutfur Rahman is innocent of any wrong doing is a lie.
Lutfur dresses this up as his belief that what matters is policy, not what happened in the past. In other words please don’t talk about the electoral petition.
And now a look at Voice for Global Bangladeshis (V4GB) which seems to have some connections with the Aspire Party.
It’s clear to me that the Aspire Party is a racist organisation that sows division between communities in this borough to gain votes. This man identifies “white people” as the opponents of “all ethnic groups”. It’s them and us. Divide and rule. Aspire is, in my opinion, clearly a racist organisation motivated by bigotry, sectarian enrichment and ethnic rivalry. If this sort of politics is allowed to flourish here it can tear the country apart. Only the easily fooled, those with amnesia or people who believe in the most extreme forms of intersectional marxist crypto-racism can support this sort of thing.
Maybe, but I think Aspire have just been stupid, they did not think all the issues of having an exclusively British-Bangladeshi candidate policy. I do agree that this is a dangerous step though.