Moley finally managed to get a copy of the latest Private Eye magazine on Sunday after traipsing all the way to Tesco Canary Wharf as the Co-op in Chrisp Street market is now closed.
The reason for his traipsing can be seen below, the usual farce known as Tower Hamlets politics once more taking pride of place in the world-renowned ‘Rotten Boroughs’ column.
Only the most inept, dysfunctional and totally useless local authorities get to benefit from the Rotten Boroughs spotlight along with the most stupid, self-centred local politicians who think they run them, so it is praise indeed to see Tower Hamlets Council once more taking its rightful place as being, well, just rubbish. (Don’t mention the rubbish problems! Ed.)
This particular piece provides great insight into the back-biting back-stabbing of Tower Hamlets Labour Party and the problems faced by the current Mayor (Who he? Ed.) illuminated by some local Labour Party internal memos.

It will be interesting to see if Shadwell councillor Rabina Khan is still laughing when the results of the Tower Hamlets Executive Mayor election are announced on 6th May. You never know, do ya?
It is not known how many police officers Tower Hamlets Chief Executive Will Tuckley will need to ensure a free and fair elections in the borough this year but it will certainly be several hundred more than any other local authority in the UK needs.
Well, you can’t be too careful, can you?
The length of time it will take to count the local election results is also unknown but the record set in 2014 by the borough is still up for grabs and 24 many psephologists, five several opticians and 11 one clinical psychologist believe it is there for the taking.
Back then Tower Hamlets was the last to declare European election results for London, meaning the capital was one of the last UK regions to return European Parliamentary results (and the Mayoral election results were overturned by the Electoral Petition too!).
Go Tower Hamlets!
(Continued on page 74.)