Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrat Candidates Named

Things are heating up. Here are the Liberal Democrats standing for election in the Mayoral and local elections on 5th May, only this morning we published the list of Conservative Party candidates.

You can also see the Liberal Democrats candidates list online here.

Councillor Rabina Khan is of course standing to be Mayor of Tower Hamlets and you can read her manifesto here which has got a lot in it, so much that you need to scroll down quite a lot past the various photos to read it all.

Moley particularly liked her statement that “I have been able to rise, take ownership and move on.”

(Unlike a lot of politicians in the borough who are stuck in the past and determined to make sure we are stuck with them.)

A supporter photographs Rabina Khan’s Mayoral campaign launch with Sir Ed Davey in Watney Market.

Moley did not realise he would get this today so published his thoughts on the chances of the Lib Dems and Conservatives in his earlier piece.

But basically the Enquirer view is that those voters abandoning Aspire and Labour (and there seems to be quite a few) will be looking for a new political home and the Liberal Democrats led by Cllr Rabina Khan and the Conservatives may offer just that.

It is also good to see a diverse group of candidates that reflects the diverse group of people that make up Tower Hamlets.

MayoralCouncillor Rabina Khan
Bethnal Green EastRyan JamesEugene LynchCallum Robertson
Bethnal Green WestAshley LumsdenJudith CohenRebecca Jones
Blackwall and Cubitt TownGuy BensonRichard FlowersAzizur Khan
Bow EastSimon HerbertLiza FranchiRichard Macmillan
Bow WestJanet LudlowTom Kaneko
Bromley NorthNehad ChowdhurySiobhan Proudfoot
Bromley SouthJosh CasswellDavid Vinas
Canary WharfMohammed HannanMorgan Jones
Island GardensShelly EnglishAndrew Cregan
LansburyElaine BagshawMuhammad Fakar UddinAbdul Manik
LimehouseWarwick Danks
Mile EndTabitha PottsHoria BogdanWei Qu
PoplarHabibur Rahman Tafader
ShadwellRabina KhanSimon Tunnicliffe
Spitalfields and BanglatownGareth SheltonFreda Graf
St Dunstan’sMohammed Shafiul AlamFarhana Akther
St Katherines and WappingDominic BuxtonMahbub Alam
Stepney GreenAkhlaquar RahmanKim Nottage
WeaversEd LongJohn Adam
WhitechapelMuhammad Abul AsadMichael RobinsonAminur Khan

It is also good to see that Kim Nottage is standing for the Liberal Democrats in Stepney Green.

Kim Nottage and Akhlaquar Rahman

Kim who? Cast your minds back to the dark days of the pandemic and our stories about the large number of Covid related deaths at Aspen Court care home.

At a council cabinet meeting on 29th July 2020 Kim Nottage gave harrowing details of the treatment her mum Maureen was subject to that eventually led to her death on 7th April at the care home in Dod Street, Poplar. 

As a result of this traumatic experience Kim decided to stand for elected office and here she is with a rosette and everything!

A good example to everyone to quit moaning and get involved.

Although the Enquirer does not know Kim personally we have corresponded via email and are sure that she is the type of person we need as a councillor in Tower Hamlets council.

Obviously other candidates from other parties are great too but you know what we mean.