Details of which Tower Hamlets councillors have concealed details of their properties on their Register of…
The five Labour ward councillors who refuse to reveal they live in Bow E3
After the fun and games with the Skew Bridge / Liveable Streets story we thought it…
East End street markets set to be latest casualty of Covid-19
Tower Hamlet's historic East End street markets are set to be the latest casualty of the…
How mature, responsible democracy works – Liveable Streets style
Anyone wondering why Skew Bridge in Bow was so popular this weekend that it was guest…
Councillors Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) payments
Details of which councillors get a Special Responsibility Allowance (SRA) in addition to their basic allowance.
Shhhh! Don’t mention the Tower Rewards strike in Tower Hamlets!
Mayor Biggs hopes that nobody will notice his threat to sack 4,000 council workers because the…
Abbas slams Biggs, calls for abolition of directly elected Mayor
In an open letter Helel Uddin Abbas has attacked Mayor John Biggs and called for the…
Labour councillor finally gets employment with Canary Wharf Group
Worry not people! Cllr. Tarik Khan has found himself a job at last. With Canary Wharf…
Keep mega-ships out of London, object to the Ocean Diva Swan Lane
Nobody wants a party boat the size of a 747 jumbo jet with 1,500 passengers turning…
Appeal for information. Did you send this email in 2014?
The Wapping Mole needs some help to shine some light on the Poplar Papers. Did you…
LBTH council set to sack 4,000 workers as pandemic continues to rage
Strike dates of 3rd, 6th and 7th of July have been announced as council threatens to…
Residents without hot meals for eight weeks during Covid-19
Gaps in the council's response to Covid-19 have been laid bare by Sister Christine Frost when…
Turks Head Cafe Wapping open once again Friday 19th June 8 am
The Turks Head Cafe in Green Bank Wapping E1W is open again from Friday 19th June…
Covid-19 cause of death for 54% of black people living in care homes
Covid-19 was the cause of death for 54% of black people living in care homes and…
Cllr. Andrew Wood keeps up pressure on government over Westferry
Councillor for Canary Wharf Andrew Wood (Independent) is continuing to keep the pressure on the government…
Judicial Review reveals a new Tower Hamlets grants controversy
An umbrella group of small third-sector groups is challenging an Executive Decision by Mayor Lutfur Rahman…
Are Labour councillors using charity food donations to curry favour?
Suspicions have been raised ithat Labour Party councillors have been using charitable food donations to curry…
BAME & Covid-19 report omnishambles does not bode well for anyone
The publication of the Public Health England (PHE) report 'Disparities in the risk and outcomes of…
Poplar Papers 14 – How to earn your council pay while banged up in jail
A Tower Hamlets Youth Service worker received his full council pay while serving a three month…
2007 abduction of Madeleine McCan appeal for information
Detectives leading enquiries into the 2007 disappearance of Madeleine McCann have made a new public appeal…
Lutfur Rahman eyes up another Mayoral run – and a politics round up
Lutfur Rahman is actively drumming up support for a return to elected office in Tower Hamlets…
Reuters publishes analysis of COVID-19 care home deaths (despite CQC)
Reuters report reveals that UK local authorities reporting largest number of care home deaths per 100…
Poplar Papers 13 – Secret money laundering system funding extremism
In July 2015 the Wapping Mole was told of a covert money laundering computer system inside…
Poplar Papers – 12 Easy ways to feed at the corruption trough
Our work over the years and the missing parts of the corruption jigsaw found in the…
Apsana Begum MP – Social housing investigation update
Tower Hamlets council has yet to conclude its investigations into the claims of irregularities in the…
Poplar Papers 11 – Intermission and the dismal story so far
A quick recap of the weary, dismal and depressing story that is the Poplar Papers so…
12,000 volunteers needed for COVIDENCE UK COVID-19 study
The COVIDENCE UK study, led by Queen Mary University, is now up and running and needs…
Poplar Papers 10 – Organised corruption networks inside LBTH
'Link charts' show connections between LBTH employees and the organisations established for the purpose of criminal…
Poplar Papers 9 – How Tower Hamlets Council avoids public scrutiny
That Tower Hamlets Council can avoid public or media scrutiny exposes the lack of oversight by…
Poplar Papers 8 – Youth Service Timeline 2003-2020
In 2012, under Mayor Rahman, Tower Hamlets Youth Service was moved from one council directorate to…
Poplar Papers 7 The £470,865 Youth Service credit card bill
Between 1st April 2013 and 30th October 2014, 27 card holders in Tower Hamlets Council's Youth…
‘Lime Shield’ initiative makes PPE face shields for frontline workers
The Limehouse Community Forum is working with local entrepreneurs to manufacture and provide face shields for…
Check the number of coronavirus (Covid-19) deaths in your area
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has published a map of deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) which…
A month of pandemic lockdown in East London – In Pictures
E1W resident professional photographer Vickie Flores usually has her photos in the national press but has…
Poplar Papers 6 – Abzal Ali, Interim Head of Youth Service
Mr Abzal Ali authorised £414,726 of AP1 payments during the 15 months for which we have…
Poplar Papers 5 – AP1 Vouchers Table of Payments
Details of AP1 payments authorised by five members of Tower Hamlets Youth Service.